Do you like food? And friends? And prizes? 

Don't even pretend to say no. You belong at Broken Compass's Monday Night Potlucks.

Every Monday night, locals, out of towners, professional (maybe?) and amateur chefs, but most of all friends, gather in our taproom to share an awesome meal with awesome people. Make any food you like as long as you're willing to share, label it and bring it on in.

Potlucks kick off around 7 (sometimes later, but it's based on when you get here, so get here early! Also tables go fast). After everyone gets a chance to taste everything, we all vote for our favorite three dishes. Once all the votes are in, Buckets uses something called "math" to tally points and we announce the winners! First place receives a 64 oz. growler and a fill, second place a 32 oz. growler and fill and third place a free pint plus the glass. 

We also hold one themed potluck per month, with a separate winner for the best or most creative dish made in that theme, so keep an eye out for posts on our Facebook page and Instagram as well as our beer log for updates!

If you're interested in what dishes have won in the past, or hilarious sports-like recaps of food battles, please visit our blog for recaps of past potlucks! 

See you Monday night!